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    Artificial intelligence has become a popular topic to discuss in the business world, and like just about any current technology trend, you know Microsoft has to hop on the bandwagon with its own solution. Microsoft’s new AI-powered image generation tools will be integrated into many of their applications moving forward.

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    If you have ever forgotten your wireless router’s password, then you know that a factory reset might be imminent—assuming of course that you have changed your password in the first place (which you should have). For situations like these where you want to avoid a factory reset, you can use this router password repository to find your default credentials.

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    It’s often the case that the demand for new software outstrips the stock of available coders, a trend that has led to many businesses looking to adopt what are called “no code” tools to help them build the software they need. Let’s take a look at these no code tools and how they can help businesses stay ahead of the game.

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    Building a company’s computing infrastructure is a costly and time-consuming process. Sure, you can purchase new servers; or workstations in bulk, but overall it takes some time to get everything set up and running just how you need it to. PC manufacturers are shipping fewer computers than ever before and that may have an impact on your business’ ability to get the technology it needs when it needs it. Let’s take a look. 

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    Communications are important for small businesses, but how much do you pay attention to your telephone system? While it might have been useful in the past, chances are your team members and clients are communicating with you in different ways, rendering your telephone system, more or less, obsolete—at least the traditional telephone systems, anyway.

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    Your business’ operations and performance will vary depending on how you choose to invest your IT resources and budget. If you see marked improvements over the years, then you are doing something right. If things remain the same, however, perhaps you could benefit from a different approach to your technology investments. Let’s examine the subtle art of IT investment and how you should approach it.

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    Laptops are remarkable pieces of ingenuity that can perform just about any work-related task without sacrificing portability. However, these amazing devices cannot last forever, and they will inevitably need to be upgraded. Do you know when the appropriate time to address this issue is?

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    Business technology is far from the easiest thing to manage, and it’s mostly because managing technology is not the sole focus of companies (unless you’re us, of course). If you can’t overcome your IT challenges, your business could be held back needlessly. Let’s go over some of the common issues your organization might face with regards to technology management and maintenance. 

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    With all the doom and gloom surrounding cybersecurity, it’s easy to get lost in the negative aspect of technology advancement. That being said, however, we do really love technology, and advancements in smartphone technology, in particular, have made amazing strides and led to great achievements in business and elsewhere. We just wanted to take today to appreciate smartphones and how incredible they are.

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    Your employees will look to you to provide guidance throughout the workday, so you should do your best to use the communication mediums at your disposal to stay in touch with them. Granted, the average business has many different ways of communicating information to employees, especially in the wake of a global pandemic which forced many employees to work remotely. That said, communication is more important than ever; what services or solutions can you use to foster communication and aid your employees in their day-to-day responsibilities?

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