Do you prefer to get your work done on a desktop? If so, you’re not alone; laptops are great for mobility, but they do have certain limitations placed on them that you might find difficult to work with. Thankfully, you can make most modern laptops work and feel like a desktop with a couple of modifications and components.
Read MoreThe Internet of Things, or IoT for short, has changed how businesses approach many areas of technology management, including how utilities and other systems are managed. Thanks to automated systems that can control utilities such as HVAC systems, heating, lighting, and so on, the IoT gives businesses more opportunities to control costs and improve efforts at efficiency. Let’s look at some of the ways businesses can use IoT devices to produce consistent cost savings.
Read MoreIt certainly is not unusual for businesses to move in the direction of “green” technologies, not just because they are better for the environment, but also because they are simply better for operations. Let’s go over some of the technologies your small business can implement to take advantage of the opportunities afforded by green technology.
Read MoreVirtualized computing could be just the edge your company needs to make a considerable impact on its technology management practices. How can virtualized computing help you overcome the operational and financial barriers in place for your business? Read on to find out more.
Read MoreDoes your business still use the traditional landline telephone infrastructure that is known to cause a lot of overcomplications with your communications? If so, VoIP could give you the break you need and the opportunity to push past the limitations of your old communications technology. With a cloud-hosted VoIP solution, your business can not only survive…it can thrive!
Read MoreYour business’ bandwidth could reference a couple of different parts of your IT infrastructure, with the most notable being your network bandwidth and your Internet bandwidth. Today, we want to focus on demystifying your network bandwidth by answering all of the frequently asked questions you might have on the topic.
Read MoreMost businesses create and hold a lot of data, much of which goes underutilized. Thanks to improved developments in data analytics and business intelligence, more businesses can take advantage of their data to make better decisions and improve operations, thereby increasing profits in the process. At the heart of these developments is data warehousing.
Read MoreThe more complex and robust your IT infrastructure is, the greater the chances that it will undergo a system failure. Basically, according to Murphy’s Law, if something can go wrong, you should expect it to go wrong. To counteract this mentality with real, tangible methods that you can control, you’ll want to implement solutions that prioritize redundancy. This week’s blog is all about how you can build redundancy into your infrastructure through the use of data backup and restoration systems.
Read MoreArtificial Intelligence (AI) is one of those monikers that we’ve extended to most machine learning technologies nowadays. Over the past few years, however, AI has made huge strides in industry, providing a level of automation that simply wasn’t possible previously. Couple in the massive benefits that organizations can see through AI-driven data insights and it is truly a transformative technology. This week, we’ll take a look at AI and unpack just how fast it is evolving.
Read MoreIf you spend any amount of time on YouTube, chances are you’ve seen videos bring up the names of various sponsors, including consumer VPNs. VPN providers take advantage of the trendiness of these influencers to spread awareness of their products. We want to make one thing abundantly clear: the consumer VPNs offered by these sponsors are not the kind of VPN your business should be using.
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