The Right to Repair movement has evolved from a simple idea into a full-fledged campaign, with numerous states enacting measures to enhance the rights of consumers and businesses who use various technologies daily. Let's take a moment to assess the current status of this movement and explore what it means for businesses.
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Most computers you’ll find in the workplace are PCs that run Windows, but Apple is also a major player in the computing and technology landscape. Apple produces sleek and high-end hardware using efficient operating systems, but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows for Apple products and their users. In fact, at one time, they recommended the most absurd fix for one of their products: slamming it on the desk.
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Quick Marty! Hop into the DeLorean! Let’s time travel back to a simpler time, back in the late 90’s!
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When a person reaches out to you for your business acumen, you help them because you know more than they do. Why else would they ask? The best thing you can do for your business is to use technology effectively. The only way you’ll know you are doing that is if you see the increased productivity, efficiency, and profitability often cited as reasons to invest in technology. In part three of our series about managed IT services value, we will take a look at the role of consulting, and how it brings big benefits in many different aspects of your business.
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Commerce has been fully embraced by the Internet, with online stores slowly phasing out many brick-and-mortar establishments. While you may not be in too much danger, depending on what you offer, you may also have the opportunity to leverage this trend in your favor. Below, we’ve outlined a few factors to help you decide if e-commerce is the right fit for you.
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You provide a good or service to your clients, and therefore, could be considered a vendor to them. Similarly, your organization depends on the goods and services of other organizations, making your business a client as well. All of this can become quite complicated and convoluted, which brings up the question of how you’re managing all of these loose ends. Are you keeping your vendors managed as well as you should be?
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