News flash: the workplace is somewhere work needs to get done. Unfortunately, it’s not always as easy as this. There are plenty of factors that can influence an employee’s productivity. You can make things easier for them by creating a productive environment. Here’s how you might go about doing so.
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There are plenty of companies out there making technology investments, and chances are you are ready to take the plunge yourself by investing in the appropriate business technology solutions to take your company to the next level. However, we want to caution you to only invest in the right technologies, those that push your business forward. Here are some tips you can use to make sure you are keeping this strategy at the top of your mind.
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Like many other businesses, COVID-19 has foiled the big plans you had for 2020, but it has presented a different set of opportunities. Many businesses had deliberately avoided providing remote work opportunities for their employees, mostly out of the fear that their teams would become inefficient, less productive, and present management and security challenges. Now, after a few months with little choice but to suddenly embrace it, the major challenges are actually delivering the resources your nelly remote workforce needs to produce results in line with expectations.
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While Google Lens has flown under the radar for most Android users, it can be leveraged as a major productivity booster. Let’s go over a few of the capabilities that can be embraced after installing the application on your mobile device for this week’s tip.
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Most homes and businesses use Wi-Fi of some sort. It is the most useful way to get the computing resources to computers and mobile devices without having to go through the headache of laying cables and dealing with data overages. What you may not know about your Wi-Fi network is that it can be set up in a way that can ensure that your most important Wi-Fi processes get the bandwidth they need. Let’s take a look at how partitioning your Wi-Fi can benefit your business.
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In modern business culture, productivity reigns supreme. So much so, in fact, that the concept of a break is unofficially frowned upon and seen as an indicator of an unproductive employee. Breaks can actually benefit the productivity of your team. Let’s go over the perception of a break, and what the reality is.
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Google—the name that has become synonymous with searching online, it is (if we’re being totally honest) the go-to means of seeking out the information we need. We’ve all used it, but did you know that there are tricks to make your searches more efficient? For this week’s tip, we’ll go over these tricks so that you can use Google Search that much better.
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As so many businesses have had to close their doors recently, remote work has become a very popular option. Unfortunately, this sudden shift has not been without negative side-effects. One such byproduct of this shift has been a serious overworking problem. This is a big problem, and one that you need to address if it has presented itself in your operations.
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As workplaces and offices everywhere have struggled to cope with the restrictions brought on by social distancing mandates, the adoption of automated solutions has surged ahead. Of course, this does open a few important questions to consider. For instance, what this could mean for employment post-pandemic, and how automation may be used in the future to mitigate the impacts we’re currently experiencing.
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While many businesses right now have found it best for their operations to shift to a remote strategy, it is important to consider how these operations will return in-house when it is again appropriate to do so. For this week’s tip, we’re reviewing a few best practices to help you contend with both processes.
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