In recognition of the holiday this year, we’ve decided to adapt a famous tale to a more contemporary setting, and create a parody of the holiday classic, A Christmas Story. We hope you enjoy this retelling, as much as we enjoyed writing it!
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Sometimes threats come to light only after they’ve been around for long enough to cause concern for the public. This was the case with a new bug found in Apple’s FaceTime app that allowed users to spy on others without their consent through group FaceTime calls. Thankfully, a patch has been issued that resolves it, but perhaps the way that it was implemented is the most interesting of all.
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Some business owners rely on their iPhone for a lot more than just work-related functions. With so many applications and whatnot consuming your phone’s processing power, your iPhone’s battery can quickly get drained. This, in turn, drains your productivity. If your phone is always dead, you can’t get much done with it. Shouldn’t there be a way to boost your battery’s efficiency?
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