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    Running a business is challenging, often involving tough decisions, particularly when it comes to employee retention and ensuring their productivity. In today's article, we discuss the issues that arise from high employee turnover and burnout, which can really be a problem for the modern business.

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    There is a lot made of the importance of productivity when it comes to running a business. Of course, without a consistent output, revenue growth is impossible. As a result, many workers expect the same kind of effort that they give. When they don’t see that effort, tensions can get high and they can get stressed out pretty easily. Today, we will go through a couple of tips that will help you maintain composure when your job delivers more stress than you’d like. 

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    There’s a misconception in the business world that being too nice will make you appear as a pushover, but as far as cliches go, “Nice guys finish last” doesn’t have much supporting evidence in favor of it.

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    No matter how dedicated some of your employees might be, you will always have the others who are simply in it for the paycheck rather than a desire to be personally connected to the business. If there is too much of a disconnect between the way you see the business and the way your employees see the business, morale and productivity could take a drop.

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    Traditionally, when you talk about employee health, issues come up about health insurance and workplace safety. With the COVID-19 pandemic six months old, new considerations have to be made. The pandemic has caused many businesses to reassess the way they go about doing things to ensure that their workforces aren’t exposed to the virus, and that employees can handle their jobs with the pressures brought forth by the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Today, we’ll review some of the considerations business owners have to make to keep their workforces safe.

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    With COVID-19 still in play, working remotely has become how many employees have continued to fulfill their work responsibilities. Now, as we settle into this new way of doing things, the question has arisen: after all this is over, will business operations return to the way they once were? Let’s discuss.

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    The first big job of a person’s career is one of those special moments in life that can’t be beat, but if there is one thing that can do so, it’s a bigger and better opportunity elsewhere. The cold, hard realization that your employees won’t be sticking around forever might be hard to accept, but it’s one that you must consider. In order to keep your current workforce satisfied, you will need to manage your expectations, as well as managing theirs.

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    The millennial generation has been much maligned in the business world. Whether they are being blamed for neglecting long-standing industries or being labeled as selfish and distracted, there aren’t too many superlatives that have been bandied about when describing millennial workers. The reality, however, is that millennial workers have the ability to be some of your best employees if your business is able to adjust accordingly. Today, we’ll get into how to get the most from your younger workers.

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