Competition is either a driving force or a crushing detriment for small businesses. Consequently, marketing has become more important than ever before as well, but this marketing content needs to be managed in some way. This week’s tech term focuses on content management systems (CMS), and how they can help your business more easily manage its content.
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As you run your business, you need to remember a few things. First, your digital security is an incredibly important consideration, as your crucial data could be tampered with or stolen outright. However, you can’t forget the shared importance of your physical security systems and how they will keep your business safe as well.
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Paper documents, manila folders, and file cabinets have long been symbols of office work. Today, these once-proud symbols are looked down upon, due in part to the public being more environmentally conscious, as well as advancements made in cloud computing that make a paper-centric workflow an inefficient option.
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It’s easy to get scatterbrained when things get busy. When this happens, you can forget important things like where you placed your keys, and where you saved your computer file. To help you out, here are some tips on how to locate a missing file. As far as your missing keys go, did you check underneath the couch?
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