Collaboration Tag - Page 4 of 4 - Hackensack, NJ | Net It On


    Collaboration is essential for modern business functionality, which often means that your team members will need to share files of all sizes. The trouble is that larger files have historically been a pain to share.

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    In today’s business, teamwork is absolutely necessary to make good things happen. One of the best ways to do this is through collaboration. However, putting together a strategy that can get projects out the door quicker or fulfill services more effectively is not always easy. Today, we’ll take a look at modern collaboration and how technology plays a major role. 

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    Your business runs on its data, and as such, you need a sound strategy for sharing files and other important information to ensure collaboration goes off without a hitch. You must also do all of this while protecting your sensitive data. What are some best practices that SMBs can utilize for file sharing? Let’s go over them.

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    The conference room for any business is bound to be pretty interesting, and it can tell you all there is to know about a business. This is why it’s especially important to ensure your conference room gives the right impression, especially if you have clients who frequent your office. Let’s go over how you can make your conference room the best it can be!

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    We like to espouse the value of a trained and engaged remote workforce, but there is a lot that goes into ensuring that your remote team has the tools and resources they need to be successful. Let’s discuss some of the ways your business can build a remote workforce and company culture that not only encourages remote employees, but helps them thrive as well.

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    Anyone who has spent a considerable amount of time in a professional occupation knows that meetings come with the territory. After all, running a business requires a lot of coordination, communication, and teamwork, and meetings are opportunities for employees to gather and discuss important business-related ideas. However, the amount of time wasted and misused on unnecessary meetings is a topic of concern.

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