The cloud gives businesses more opportunities than ever to change operations for the better, but a poorly configured cloud could create more problems than it solves—including the potential for a security breach! Here are some of the most important reasons why you must configure your cloud solutions properly.
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The cloud as a computing strategy is helping millions of businesses be the best version of themselves. The main reason for this is the inherent scalability that is made available through cloud solutions. Let’s take a look at how scalability benefits a business and how it works.
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If you have the money, purchasing your own computing infrastructure isn’t an issue. Unfortunately, these systems cost tens of thousands of dollars and that is before you start compiling workstations. This week, we’d like to discuss the pros and cons of incorporating some cloud computing resources into your network infrastructure and if they can save you money.
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With the development of business technology, tools have been introduced that provide greater and greater benefits to organizations that use them. Perhaps the most useful that we have today, the cloud, has enabled businesses of all sizes to take advantage of far better tools than were available to them before. Let’s take a closer look at some of them.
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There are a lot of benefits of moving your business to the cloud. Typically, we promote the reduction in capital expenditures, the 24/7 availability, and all the other features you can gain. The cloud is a useful tool for all types of business computing functions. Today, large sections are moving their business to the cloud, but is it really right for you? Let’s look at how cloud computing can potentially be detrimental for your business.
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Most businesses make technology decisions with an eye on growth. One technology that is being used more than ever is cloud computing. There are many different benefits that an organization can see by using the cloud. Today, we will address these benefits and explain how cloud computing works to facilitate business growth.
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For this week’s tip, we thought we’d talk about something that most businesses have already dabbled in: the cloud. If your business is like those that we interact with, you’ve already implemented some type of cloud service, but if you haven’t, you should know just how cloud-hosted services can benefit the small business. We’ll look at the benefits of cloud-hosted services and how to pick which services are right for you.
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The latest technology can help businesses compete with even large organizations if it’s implemented properly. The cloud is one of these tools that helps new businesses take advantage of goods and services previously inaccessible to those with limited budgets and in-house assets. In fact, the cloud is one of the few solutions your organization can implement that actually grow alongside your business.
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The Internet is incredibly important to the success of not only businesses, but countless users all over the world. In terms of the actual strength of the Internet though, people might not know just how many options there are out there that can provide access to this dynamic and feature-filled network. Thanks to the Internet, businesses all over the world have access to plenty of great services that enable them to accomplish as much as possible.
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In today’s medical field, technology is a big player. With regulations dictating that even independent practices attempt to make the jump to a dedicated EMR/EHR. An EMR/EHR, or electronic medical record/electronic health record interface, provides physicians and patients a way to connect to promote efficient healthcare delivery and organizational profitability. Today, we will look at how smaller healthcare providers are utilizing EMR/EHR solutions that are hosted in the cloud, bucking the trend of hosting their patient information locally.
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