Most businesses create and hold a lot of data, much of which goes underutilized. Thanks to improved developments in data analytics and business intelligence, more businesses can take advantage of their data to make better decisions and improve operations, thereby increasing profits in the process. At the heart of these developments is data warehousing.
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In business, making good decisions is a must. You have to manage risk well. Today’s business is using analytics to drive decision making, and therefore needs to design and implement platforms that make this possible. If a business doesn’t properly set up their analytics or intelligence systems, their decisions may not be made with a useful perspective. Let’s take a look at these systems to see if you may be being fooled by your own numbers.
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When you’re making important decisions for your business, you need solid data to back them up. Through the use of business analytics, you can take advantage of your quantifiable data to find the right decisions for your business. We’ll discuss the process of using business analytics and how it can be used to your business’ advantage.
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Your business’s IT strategy is of incredible importance, especially when you consider how much your operations stand to benefit from a functional infrastructure. More than anything, though, IT can ensure that your business remains competitive in a world where the slightest advantage can mean all the difference.
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There’s no question that mobile devices have changed the way society works on a fundamental level. It’s hard to imagine even leaving the house without your trusty smartphone by your side. The iPhone was once advertised as “life in your pocket,” and this phrase has proven to be entirely too true. Eight years following the introduction of these devices, businesses have grown reliant on this type of mobile technology to stay relevant in their chosen industry.
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Big data analytics are changing the way that businesses handle their marketing endeavors. You might even have a data collection strategy yourself that’s helped you make changes to your business model. However, do you understand why these changes are being made?
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Microsoft’s Internet Explorer is one of the most widely used web browsers, despite the fact that it has a tendency to crash from time to time. In order to improve the product and prevent future bugs, glitches, and crashes, IE creates an error report after every crash. Most of these reports go unsent, or so Microsoft thought.
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Whether the world is ready for it or not, the Internet of Things (IoT) is on its way. As such, there is a lot of controversy about what actually constitutes the Internet of Things. Infoworld argues that a lot of what the public claims to be part of the IoT, is actually not a part of it, and that we need a more substantial definition for this oncoming phenomenon.
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