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    Today, collaboration software’s use is widespread, no doubt as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic forcing the hands of businesses everywhere to implement them while operations were still remote. However, now that many workers are returning to the office environment, businesses are finding that these collaboration platforms still offer immense value. What features can you look for and expect from your collaboration platforms?

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    Automation is a great tool for businesses of all types, even smaller organizations that might have limited access to tools and resources. Through the use of time-saving automation solutions, even a small business can empower employees to save time and focus on other aspects of their duties by automating specific tasks and processes. Here are five ways small businesses can use automation to make operations just a little easier.

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    With today’s ever-expanding remote workforce, there is all the more reason to implement technology solutions that empower your organization to increase its range of options for working outside of the office. We’ve put together three of the key technology solutions we think your organization could benefit from to improve its remote capabilities and take business on the road.

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    With so many employees working outside the confines of the office environment, communication solutions are more important now than they have ever been. While you might be used to your traditional telephone infrastructure, we’re sorry to say that it’s simply not going to cut it any longer. We recommend you make the shift to VoIP, or Voice over IP, as soon as possible.

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    With the Internet of Things growing at a rapid pace, there are many opportunities for your business to reap considerable rewards from its proper utilization. It can automate certain processes, save you capital, and mitigate human error. Let’s examine how your business can use the Internet of Things to its benefit without breaking the bank.

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    Microsoft has claimed that Windows 10 would be their chosen operating system for the foreseeable future, but we can never expect technology to rest on its laurels and grow stagnant. Enter Windows 11, the latest Microsoft operating system. What are the specifications needed to upgrade your business to this new OS, and how can you know when it is time to do so?

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    We just wanted to provide a public notice that Microsoft intends to increase the price of its Microsoft 365 and Office 365 offerings. If your business relies on these tools in its operations, you can expect to see your costs for them go up, regardless of where they are sourced from.

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    Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve taken a look at some flagship smartphones and some devices that present a lot of value. To wrap up our annual smartphone series, we are going to look at some of the most innovative—and expensive—devices on the market today. 

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    Last week, we committed one of our blogs to examining some of the most impressive new flagship smartphones to be found on the market—the creme de la creme, if you will, with price tags to match. This week, we wanted to focus on a different market: those looking to get a great value for less than half of what the flagships demand. If you aren’t the type to finance a phone, here are three options to consider for less than $500.

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    The smartphone has ushered in a revolution for communication and productivity, and in today’s world, it’s critical that we keep an eye on the developments in smartphone technology to ensure workers stay competitively productive and ahead of the game. Let’s examine three of the flagship smartphone devices for early 2022.

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