Net It On, LLC Blog


    Sometimes an issue on your computer causes it to be so far gone that drastic action is needed to get it back in gear. This is where the bare metal restore comes in, and it’s something that you only want to do in the event that you encounter a problem that is just too much to bear. We’ll walk you through what this is, what it involves, and why you might have to do it in the future.

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    Google Maps is a neat service that helps users navigate during their travels, but more upgrades are being released all the time to augment their experiences. Some of the most recent updates have provided additional functionality that can provide users with even more ways to use Google Maps--particularly in regard to actually making it to their destination on time and in style.

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    Ransomware has been far from low-profile since its inception several years ago. Everyone knows what the file-encrypting malware does, and they all know that paying the ransom can make the nightmare go away by decrypting the files located on their computer. As if the threat of losing data forever wasn’t enough, you’re staring down a ticking clock while this is going on. Nowadays, ransomware is becoming more difficult to manage through various tactics.

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    Professionals who work in an office naturally have varying degrees of Internet use, but one thing remains the same: in an age where mobile devices are commonplace, what a website looks like on a smartphone screen is extremely important from a user’s perspective. This is called responsive web design, and this week’s tech term will provide an overview of what it is and why it’s helpful.

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    There is a special kind of frustration that comes from a slow computer. We think it’s a combination of being unable to get something done combined with your computer’s inability to take a hint and register your frustration as you furiously click your mouse. Either way, slow computers are annoying. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to speed things up before you consider throwing it out a window.

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    Technology has changed the way that the average user has consumed media. “Binging” is one of the primary ways that many users want to consume media, watching an entire season of television in one sitting. People want to consume content on their own terms, doing it when they want, the way they want it, and for as long as they want to. Technology plays a major role in making this a possibility.

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    The business world is inherently somewhat Darwinian: instead of organisms with desirable traits surviving and carrying on, better businesses tend to outlast those that are inferior. In order to keep on, you need to ensure that your business has the tools it needs to be better than the alternative. Part of this is a great staff, yes, but for today’s tip, we’ll discuss how optimizing your technology can help.

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    While email remains an important facet of professional business communications, the instant message is of rising importance in office environments everywhere. While any one of many factors may contribute to this shift, it provides those businesses that adopt it great advantages to their internal processes, and might even aid in their cybersecurity.

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    Using a mobile device to browse the Internet has its perks, but one of the biggest ones is that you have so many options for browsers. If you’re having trouble selecting one for your needs, it’s generally best to stick with ones that you’ve used in the past. Here are a couple of options you have for mobile browsing.

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    The Internet contains countless articles and bits of information that you can absorb on a daily basis. More likely than not, you have a couple of go-to websites that contain information you find more valuable than the rest, and that’s perfectly normal for a busy business owner. However, you can save valuable time by creating bookmarks to help you more readily access the information found on the Internet.

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