While artificial intelligence is being adopted across numerous industries, one that many people may not think of is the cybercrime industry. Fortunately, AI can also be used to stop some forms of cybercrime, such as phishing. Let's talk about how AI might soon be an integral part of your phishing prevention.
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We frequently write about topics in relation to business IT, but one that we have yet to cover is Schofield’s Laws of Computing. What are these laws, and what can businesses learn about them?
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Even the most lucrative businesses never have enough capital and resources to do everything they would like to do. Whether it’s paying an unexpected bill or purchasing something you truly need, there are plenty of ways to spend more than you think for your business, especially with technology. Let’s go over some of the ways you can use technology to actually save money for your business.
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Whether you’re talking about identity theft, data breaches, or any other form of cybercrime, one of the leading causes of successful cyberattacks is the use of insufficiently secure passwords. Just how easy is it for someone to bypass such a password? Let’s consider the facts.
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World Password Day is indeed a thing, and it’s a thing to celebrate in the world of business technology, as it celebrates password awareness and advocates account security in a time when cybersecurity has never been more important. To help you observe World Password Day, we want to go over why passwords are important and why you need to take password security seriously.
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The Internet of Things is pervasive in the way that many devices which you might not expect to be connected are, in fact, connected to the Internet. Smart speakers, smartphones, smart appliances, you name it, could potentially be a security threat if left unchecked. This doesn’t just go for businesses, either; even consumer smart devices could leave users vulnerable.
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You always read that “business has changed”. This is true because society has changed; and technology supports this new normal. More people use their mobile devices for a majority of their communication, their browsing, and a lot more, and it is changing the way business is conducted; it’s just not always easy to separate work use from personal usage. Let’s take a look at some of the ways mobility has changed the way people approach work, and how that shift in perspective has changed business.
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Pets do weird things every so often… like laying on top of keyboards or sidling up next to computer monitors. If you’re not careful, your furry companions might accidentally cause a lot of damage to your technology. Some studies have indicated that pets cause around $3 billion worth of damage to technology annually—pretty shocking stuff. Let’s go over how you can minimize the chances of this happening to you.
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Technology is remarkably useful for plenty of business-related tasks, but even the most knowledgeable user isn’t going to know all of the features available to them. This is why we like to cover even small, basic tips that people can use to get just a little more value out of their technology. Here are three ways you can get more out of your Windows operating system.
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Remember Google+? It was Google’s attempt at making a social media platform, and while it ultimately was not successful, it did have some interesting features that eventually made their way to other parts of Google’s growing list of business and enterprise services. Now, Google+’s legacy is in its final moments, as Google plans to shut down the Currents service this upcoming July.
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