Net It On, LLC Blog


    The other day, we talked about an assortment of security issues that could very well cause harm to your business if you aren’t prepared for them. We wanted to continue that conversation and discuss the things that you need to be sure are done so you are, in fact, prepared.

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    Data and technology drive modern business, and as such, data backup and disaster recovery are crucial to the continued success of any organization. There is so much at risk that it would be counterproductive to ignore these unforeseen disasters. Disaster Recovery as a Service, or DRaaS, is an effective way to combat the omnipresent threat of data loss.

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    Cyberattacks are nothing to take lightly. Every year, they cause millions of dollars of damage to unprepared and unprotected businesses, which leads to many of these businesses’ failure. Let’s talk about what ultimately causes cyberattacks, so you know the kinds of situations and behaviors to keep an eye out for.

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    With the right technology at your side, you can ensure that your operations, productivity, and customer satisfaction are maximized. However, even with all these benefits, small businesses make mistakes, particularly in regard to the implementation process. How can your business overcome the hurdles that stem from improper technology implementation strategies? Let’s take a closer look.

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    Businesses face a lot of threats, but ransomware stands out amongst them all. It’s certainly one of the scariest threats out there, as it seems we need to include it every time we discuss cyberthreats. Unfortunately, we really do need to, for one simple reason.

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    Today’s cars, trucks, and sport utility vehicles are packed with features, many of which heavily lean on technology in order to operate. While these new vehicles and all their new capabilities are certainly appealing to today’s consumer, it needs to be said that one key aspect of technology has not been improved as these vehicles have been innovated upon.

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    When it comes to who is victimized in cybercriminal efforts, there may be a few stereotypes and presumptions that a lot of people may hold. A recent report, Oh, Behave!, released by the National Cybersecurity Alliance and Cybsafe, shows that the real victims of many forms of cybercrime aren’t who many would expect.

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    You see the word “blockchain” all the time in relation to cryptocurrencies and NFTs, but do you know what it actually means? This is but a small portion of what a blockchain encompasses, and we’re here to discuss today what this technology is capable of.

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    Technology is center-stage in today’s business world, and when all it takes is a disaster to end operations for many businesses, it suddenly becomes incredibly important to have contingency plans in place… you know, just in case. Let’s go over how you should build an effective disaster recovery plan, as well as how to assess your company’s needs.

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    While sitting all day might sound appealing at first glance (after all, who doesn’t like sitting?), it’s not something that our bodies are designed to do. Sitting, as a result, can have considerable negative consequences on our overall health when done in excess. It doesn’t have to be hard to fit a workout into your day, though; you can do these simple desk-ercises right from your office to combat the creep of becoming too sedentary. 

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