Net It On, LLC Blog


    As one of the world’s most popular messaging applications, WhatsApp is a well-known tool, even in the business world. More notable is that WhatsApp—a platform known for its end-to-end encryption and security—now has a modified and unofficial version called YoWhatsApp, which has been deploying malware to unsuspecting users.

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    How often do you find yourself closing tabs or windows, then immediately regretting it? This can get in the way of productivity, and while it might not be downtime, it is certainly an annoyance having to relocate whatever it is you just closed. Web browsers thankfully have functionality that allows you to completely eliminate this inconvenience.

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    Microsoft’s initiative to rebrand Microsoft Office is reaching the final stage of its journey—a plan that has been years in the making. What will this assimilation into the Microsoft 365 brand mean for users of Microsoft’s services and products?

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    We know it’s not pleasant to think about your organization succumbing to a cybersecurity attack, but it’s a very realistic event that you have to be prepared for. Let’s take a look at the statistics and how exactly they are not in your business’ favor.

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    Artificial intelligence has become a popular topic to discuss in the business world, and like just about any current technology trend, you know Microsoft has to hop on the bandwagon with its own solution. Microsoft’s new AI-powered image generation tools will be integrated into many of their applications moving forward.

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    What if Edgar Allan Poe wrote “The Raven” during the information age?

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    How often do you find yourself with a full inbox, but you don’t want to delete the messages for fear there is something important in them? You could spend time digging through your inbox every time to find the important message, or you could archive them so you can find them later. Microsoft Outlook has a built-in archival feature that you can use.

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    If you have ever forgotten your wireless router’s password, then you know that a factory reset might be imminent—assuming of course that you have changed your password in the first place (which you should have). For situations like these where you want to avoid a factory reset, you can use this router password repository to find your default credentials.

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    Malware has plagued anyone using technology for a long time, and while security has certainly gone a long way toward protecting users from malware, so too have the threats grown more powerful and dangerous—especially for businesses. Let’s take a look at some common ways individuals might find themselves with a malware problem.

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    It’s often the case that the demand for new software outstrips the stock of available coders, a trend that has led to many businesses looking to adopt what are called “no code” tools to help them build the software they need. Let’s take a look at these no code tools and how they can help businesses stay ahead of the game.

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