In our last blog post, we covered the importance of having good security hygiene and why passwords need to be strong and unique. We also provided some tips for creating unique, strong passwords that are easier to remember. You’ll be using that method to create a couple of strong passwords, but ultimately, you’ll be using a password manager by the time you finish this 5-part guide.
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We tend to focus on business technology, but this time, we wanted to put together a guide that would help, well, everybody! It doesn’t matter how low-tech you are, chances are you still have to manage a handful of online accounts and passwords.
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We wanted to switch things up for today’s article and try writing a daytime soap opera instead of our usual blog. Please feel free to read the following with dramatic string music in the background and all dialogue as whispered, bellowed, or forced through clenched teeth by a cast of longstanding characters.
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Technology is one of the key enablers of automation for businesses, so it makes sense that it would eventually creep into email. Automated emails have the power to contribute to more streamlined operations when used well, but they are far from flawless. Today, we want to get you thinking about the pros and cons of automated email as it pertains to running your business.
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The new year brings exciting opportunities—but unfortunately, it also brings new chances for hackers and cybercriminals to cause trouble. That’s why it’s so important to stay alert and prepared for the cybersecurity threats we might face in 2025.
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Imagine one of your employees gets a phishing email. Would they recognize it and report it, or would they fall for it? With phishing training, you don’t have to guess—you can make sure your team knows exactly how to handle these situations.
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It’s harder than ever to keep your data safe these days. Everyone needs to be careful online, but the constant security steps can feel exhausting when you’re spending hours on a computer every week. Unfortunately, this is the new normal. If you don’t stay on top of your cybersecurity, it can be really hard to keep your business’ tech safe.
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Tape backup used to be the go-to backup solution for businesses, but it’s since lost its luster in favor of digital backup solutions. You might still find some uses for it, if you find a good enough excuse. Today, we want to examine why you might still use tape backup, even though a Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) solution far outshines it.
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Each new year is an opportunity to reflect on what your business has gotten right and what it needs to improve. Your technology is one of those parts of a business where there’s always some room for improvement. If new IT solutions are on the docket for the upcoming year, here are four questions you can ask to make any new implementation successful.
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The Internet is just as essential to business as electricity. One key factor that determines how well your Internet works is bandwidth. Let’s break it down.
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