Technology enables businesses to streamline operations and make better decisions that can enhance productivity in the short and long term. That said, the sheer number of options available at any given moment for businesses can be intimidating and downright confusing at times. Technology professionals can help you determine the best solutions for your company’s needs.
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What measures do you take to protect your employees and business from the dangers found on the Internet? One major company, Google, is implementing some extreme measures to protect against online threats. In this pilot program, the Internet is simply not available to its workers. How is Google—a company notorious for its search engine and web-related technology—making do with minimal access to the Internet? The answer might surprise you.
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Do you prefer to get your work done on a desktop? If so, you’re not alone; laptops are great for mobility, but they do have certain limitations placed on them that you might find difficult to work with. Thankfully, you can make most modern laptops work and feel like a desktop with a couple of modifications and components.
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Amazon Prime subscribers were recently sent a communication from the online marketplace detailing popular scams and what can be done to protect against them. While we have our own set of best practices to share, we thought we would take a closer look at Amazon’s advice to see how it squares up against our own.
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Artificial intelligence is all over the headlines, and not always in a good way, but the fact remains that it can save your business plenty of time and resources that could be better invested elsewhere. Let’s go over some ways that businesses just like yours are currently using AI to automate tasks and streamline operations.
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Businesses are always trying to improve on efficiency, and one method they use to do so is mobile technology. Businesses invest in mobile technology like smartphones, laptops, and data plans for their employees with the expectation that it will help them be more productive, but the fact of the matter is that these investments are costly for the return. There is another approach businesses use: Bring Your Own Device, or BYOD, and it’s a great way to save capital while achieving the same levels of productivity from mobile technology.
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If you are an Amazon Prime subscriber, chances are you received an email from the online marketplace warning users of scams that take advantage of offerings and brand recognition. We thought it would be interesting to look at the advice shared by this message to see if it matches up with our own recommended best practices.
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Your business should always strive to prevent interruptions and issues related to operations. With the right technology and appropriate management of it, you will find that you experience far fewer of them. Let’s examine some strategies you can use that will help you build better processes and how technology can aid in this.
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Organizations are always trying to get more efficient. One way that businesses are able to accomplish this is by utilizing mobile computing. This used to mean that businesses would have to spend a bunch of money purchasing phones, data plans, and the like for their employees. Some time ago, businesses started to realize that they could improve their mobile strategies without this massive expense by enacting a BYOD policy. Let’s discuss what a BYOD policy is and how it does more than just save a business money.
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With Microsoft Excel, you can use visuals to represent your data, providing greater context for the contents of your spreadsheets and making it easier to communicate what it all means. This week’s tip focuses on People Graphs, a feature that can be powerful when used appropriately.
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