With many compliance and regulation laws existing in today’s business world, it’s no small wonder that ethical dilemmas surrounding business technology are more common than you might expect. Let’s go over five of the more controversial uses of technology so you can avoid facing them during the course of your operations.
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It can’t come as a surprise that businesses are starting to grow concerned about the potential of getting hit by a cyberattack. Just look at what's happening out there. Literally millions of hackers trying to enter, steal, and sell your business’ data. To help protect their data, businesses should consider the adoption of a Virtual Private Network (VPN), which adeptly conceals data during its transit. Let's take a look into some of the most compelling reasons why your business should embrace the use of a VPN.
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Psychology—the scientific study of the mind and behavior—can provide some significant insights into which actions will ultimately be most beneficial to your company. What message will most effectively reach your clients, how can you inspire more motivation amongst your team, and what can you do to reach your goals more effectively?
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Smartphones are incredible productivity tools that anyone can take advantage of for personal computing or business purposes. Thanks to the large amount of mobile applications available, there are countless ways that people can reimagine various aspects of their lives for the better. To help you out, we’ve put together four of our favorite smartphone tips that you might find useful.
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We've all experienced the frustration of a drained smartphone battery, and if not, you've likely become accustomed to constantly carrying a charger. But what exactly leads to the rapid depletion of a smartphone's battery?
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Generally speaking, each new iteration of any given operating system will offer some enhancements and improvements to the user’s experience, often via new features. iOS 17, the latest version of Apple’s mobile operating system, is no exception. Let’s go over some of these new features now.
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Social media has become deeply ingrained in today’s culture, from business to personal connection. Businesses stake their reputation on the platforms, and individuals and families use them to connect with one another in ways they never were able to before. This is why it’s so scary to think about what would happen if an account were hacked or taken over.
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Considering the amount of data created on a daily basis, there will eventually come a time when the amount of data will outweigh our ability to store it. The technology giants at Microsoft are taking the initiative to find a solution to this dilemma, and they are working with the University of Southampton in England to make this vision come to life.
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Defining art can be a challenging task, particularly in light of the constantly evolving techniques and mediums. At its core, art can be succinctly described as the creative expression of an individual using some form of medium.
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With technology taking center stage for most businesses over the past couple years, you might consider yourself fairly knowledgeable about most business-related technology out there. Still, we want to cover five that are the most trendy and, coincidentally, pretty great for business, too. Let’s dive in.
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