Malware has plagued anyone using technology for a long time, and while security has certainly gone a long way toward protecting users from malware, so too have the threats grown more powerful and dangerous—especially for businesses. Let’s take a look at some common ways individuals might find themselves with a malware problem.
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It’s often the case that the demand for new software outstrips the stock of available coders, a trend that has led to many businesses looking to adopt what are called “no code” tools to help them build the software they need. Let’s take a look at these no code tools and how they can help businesses stay ahead of the game.
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We all have our favorite websites that we access all the time. Google Chrome makes it easy to set your favorite to the Home button in the browser window, allowing you to quickly make it back to your home page with a single click. Sure, you could just add a new bookmark and click that, but it’s just not the same as clicking on the Home button.
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Video conferencing is an essential communication tool for modern businesses and their team members. As such, we wanted to share some tips that can help everyone involved, from the conferencing veteran to the remote work newbie. Here are four.
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Ransomware is an incredibly potent threat that has ravaged the cybersecurity landscape for several years now. Many users who get struck by ransomware feel like they have no choice but to pay the ransom, but others have banded together to create a community of resilience in the face of such a threat. Thanks to the efforts of one particular agency, victims of malware can enjoy access to malware removal tools for free.
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There’s nothing more intriguing than finding a random USB drive while cleaning up your office or while out and about. You might feel the urge to plug it in and discover its contents, but we are here to tell you that this is often a bad idea—particularly if the drive is unfamiliar to you. Unlike cloud storage, which is quite transparent, you don’t know what’s on a USB drive until you plug it in, and it’s often too late by the time this happens.
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Earlier this year, it became known that almost 2,000 mobile applications suffered from some type of security threat, thus putting a lot of sensitive data on the line. Let’s examine how you can ensure that your business doesn’t suffer from mobile app security issues.
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Building a company’s computing infrastructure is a costly and time-consuming process. Sure, you can purchase new servers; or workstations in bulk, but overall it takes some time to get everything set up and running just how you need it to. PC manufacturers are shipping fewer computers than ever before and that may have an impact on your business’ ability to get the technology it needs when it needs it. Let’s take a look.
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When you receive countless meeting invites or time-sensitive reminders on a day-to-day basis, it’s easy to forget a thing or two here and there. If you get an email, wouldn’t it be better to just make the event right from your inbox so your calendar can remind you about it when the time comes? Google Calendar and Gmail have this functionality built right in.
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We apologize for the pun, but we couldn’t help ourselves.
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