Businesses and their employees ultimately need a lot of different online accounts, which means there are a lot of passwords that need to be sorted. To assist with this, many have turned to using password managers—applications that store passwords in an encrypted vault. There are a lot of reasons that these password managers are a popular choice. Let’s go over a few of them.
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Remote work has cemented itself in today’s business environment, but there are some issues regarding whether or not people can effectively work outside of the office. In particular, the idea of a workation has sprung up in that people are working while going on a vacation. This “workation” trend is one that must be examined.
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Network security is not the easiest thing to implement for your business, and you definitely need someone trained in this topic to be the one behind the wheel. Thankfully, the correct solutions can make this much easier to pull off. Here are some of the best and most important security solutions you should be considering for your organization.
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Phishing scams have been around for a long time, and they have only grown more convincing and more dangerous. Some businesses can’t even tell the difference between phishing scams and legitimate messages! How can your organization take the fight to phishing emails? It all starts with knowing what to look out for.
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When you’re in the thick of the workday, you’re likely to miss a notification, especially with so much media playing all at the same time. To make sure that your notification sounds don’t get drowned out by your other applications, we’ve put together a tip on how you can adjust the volume levels of your individual applications in Windows 10.
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Many people use smart speakers throughout their day-to-day lives, whether it’s as a personal assistant or to control their home entertainment system. However, one of the topics up for discussion is how secure these devices actually are and whether or not we should be concerned about them. Just how secure are your smart speakers and what can you do about their security?
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There is a lot to say about having the right IT, but at some point, you have to ask if you are receiving diminishing returns on your investments. Implementing too much technology can be a very real problem, especially in terms of the software you choose to implement. Let’s take a look at some of the warning signs and see what you can do about them.
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With so many people working remotely, it’s no surprise that folks are used to having headsets on or earbuds in. With increased use, these devices naturally get dirtier than they would otherwise. Let’s take a look at how you might go about cleaning them.
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Do you remember the series of high-profile infrastructure attacks that occurred not so long ago this year? Well, now the United States government is taking matters into its own hands by ordering the patching of various vulnerabilities in affected systems. It’s a massive effort to thwart hackers and other cyberthreats from taking root in vulnerable systems.
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Smart devices have enabled individuals and businesses to push the limits of connectivity, allowing them to have unprecedented amounts of control over their offices and homes. People can turn down their thermostats or lock the front door with the click of a button, as well as control how much power their homes consume. However, security is a pain point for these types of connected devices.
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