It doesn’t take a genius to understand the importance of IT maintenance and management, but it’s often easier said than done to make sure it happens properly. A new survey from Gartner suggests that this might get even more challenging, as IT employees are increasingly more likely to leave their place of work than other, non-IT employees.
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The cloud has given businesses loads of modern ways to approach operations and management, but it has also given cybercriminals access to even more tools to leverage against their victims. Here are some ways cybercriminals are using the cloud, as well as how you can protect against these threats.
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Let’s face it… “government” and “innovation” aren’t usually associated with one another. Despite the finances that these organizations have, these funds are generally spoken for (on top of not always being used as efficiently as they could be). However, some government operations have started embracing cloud services, which has led to benefits for their entire communities.
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Any devout user of Android devices knows that Google Chrome is probably going to be the default browser on their devices, but what if you wanted to, for whatever reason, use a different one? There is a way to change the browser used on your Android device, and it all starts with knowing which browsers are available for use.
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Change is something that is surprisingly controversial in the office environment, especially when you’re referring to technology or business practices. Management might think that one thing is great, but the rest of the staff might not have the same opinion, leading to friction between them. Where does resistance to change come from, and how can you overcome it?
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Today, collaboration software’s use is widespread, no doubt as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic forcing the hands of businesses everywhere to implement them while operations were still remote. However, now that many workers are returning to the office environment, businesses are finding that these collaboration platforms still offer immense value. What features can you look for and expect from your collaboration platforms?
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While we might like to think that all computer problems are an easy fix, there is only so much you can do in certain circumstances. That being said, having a couple of computer maintenance “hacks” under your belt can make things loads easier for you when you do have to get your computer repaired. Here are some tips to consider before it’s time to get your computer repaired.
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While browsing our website, chances are you will come across the term “managed service provider” or “MSP” more times than you can count, and that’s typically how we would describe our business model. However, we realize that this term might not necessarily mean much to you—at least, not without some context. Today, we want to clarify what MSPs do and how we can revolutionize the way you conduct business.
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To an extent, we all know how important security is, but unless you are making it an integral part of your operations, chances are you are not doing enough to keep it secure from threats. Your network security might be one of the most critical parts of securing your organization’s future, and not for the reasons you might expect.
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How often do you look at your email solution and think, “Wow, managing this thing takes up so much of our time. What would it be like to take that time and apply it elsewhere?” Today, businesses have all kinds of options for managing their email communications, one of which is email hosting provided through a managed service provider.
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