Net It On, LLC Blog


    Do you have technology problems with your business? If so, you’re not alone; countless small businesses all over struggle with maintaining their technology, and it’s not due to any fault of their own. If anything, it’s a combination of limited resources and limited time. How does working with a managed service provider help to mitigate both of these problems? Well, let’s find out!

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    Collaboration is central to the success of any company’s sustained efforts, and technology plays an important role in making this happen. Let’s go over some collaboration best practices your business can implement, as well as how technology can help them be successful in these efforts.

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    Remote circumstances have forced businesses to ask themselves some hard questions, specifically in regards to network security and cybersecurity. We all know that it’s important, but a zero-trust model takes things to a whole other level. Let’s take a look at this concept and why it might be just the model you need to guarantee maximum security for your company.

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    If you have the money, purchasing your own computing infrastructure isn’t an issue. Unfortunately, these systems cost tens of thousands of dollars and that is before you start compiling workstations. This week, we’d like to discuss the pros and cons of incorporating some cloud computing resources into your network infrastructure and if they can save you money.

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    News flash: the workplace is somewhere work needs to get done. Unfortunately, it’s not always as easy as this. There are plenty of factors that can influence an employee’s productivity. You can make things easier for them by creating a productive environment. Here’s how you might go about doing so.

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    There are plenty of companies out there making technology investments, and chances are you are ready to take the plunge yourself by investing in the appropriate business technology solutions to take your company to the next level. However, we want to caution you to only invest in the right technologies, those that push your business forward. Here are some tips you can use to make sure you are keeping this strategy at the top of your mind.

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    You need to be sure that your business is prepared for disaster, which will necessitate a disaster recovery plan. While there are many steps that go into creating one, we wanted to highlight a few in particular and outline a few best practices to follow for each. Here are three of the most vital elements of a successful business continuity strategy, with a few tips to help you fulfill them most effectively.

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    There are numerous industries that, in one way or another, deal with sensitive data on the regular. In order to protect this data, numerous laws, regulations, and other requirements have been put on the books that require businesses to maintain—as well as prove—their compliance to them.

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    For many companies, their first experiences with modern collaboration tools came about as a result of the unfortunate circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Some were forced to go entirely remote, while others completely halted operations for an indefinite period of time. While collaboration tools are designed to bring people together, it might come at a cost.

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    E-waste is a considerable problem, and not just for businesses; it’s also terrible for the environment. Let’s go over some of the biggest reasons why discarded electronics, including some of the hardware that you invest so much money into, can be problematic, as well as some ways your organization can reduce its e-waste footprint.

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