Net It On, LLC Blog


    The Internet is incredibly important to the success of not only businesses, but countless users all over the world. In terms of the actual strength of the Internet though, people might not know just how many options there are out there that can provide access to this dynamic and feature-filled network. Thanks to the Internet, businesses all over the world have access to plenty of great services that enable them to accomplish as much as possible.

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    The most productive people are the ones that have the information they need on hand. If you are one of the millions of people that don’t have access to a team of researchers, it will likely fall on you to do most of the research you need yourself. While you may only sparsely use Evernote, today the powerful note-taking app offers pre-made templates to help you get more organized.

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    Your business has a lot of moving parts, and these parts need to be managed properly if you hope to maintain (or improve) operations. However, even the smallest parts of your organization could directly influence your business’ workflow. If these processes are getting in the way of your employees getting the most out of their workday, perhaps automation can provide a way to save time and resources.

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    Your business, like all businesses, relies on a lot of moving parts to function. That’s the reality. What isn’t the reality is that you have no control over whether these moving parts will break down, and that you have to just sit and wait for it to happen, reacting when it does.

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    Navigating some websites can be a pain, but thankfully, there is a handy-dandy tool that just about all of them utilize to make it easier for users. We’re talking, of course, about the navigation bar. We’ll discuss what the navigation bar is, what it does, and why it’s so helpful for a website or application’s end user.

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    Computers are far from simple machines. They rely on complex bits of technology that only professional technicians have any business maintaining. Some of this technology takes advantage of microchip technology to function as intended, and without them, they wouldn’t be able to function. While the everyday business owner might not need to know much about the specifics, you should at least know a little about how certain chips are used.

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    While you may not consider it at first, your mobile device has a sizeable amount of personally identifiable data on it - far more than should be left on an unsecured phone at any time. Fortunately, Google has added a considerable layer of protections to Android to assist users with their security. All a user has to do is know how to use them to their fullest potential.

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    Being in business today means that you have a lot on your plate, it’s as simple as that. Yet, with so many tasks piling up, it can be challenging to prioritize them all so you can figure out where to start. Below, we go over some strategies you can use to make sense out of all the tasks you have on your day and reach a point of productivity.

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    While not every business needs to worry about hurricanes, the same can’t be said for other kinds of disasters out there. Tornadoes, fires, and other natural disasters could strike at any moment depending on geographical location, but if you’re prepared, you can limit the influence these events have on your organization’s future.

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    It’s clear that your business’ profession was chosen based on a specific lack or need in your area, but if you don’t have the technology to make sure this need can be met, you’re not providing value to your clients. This is one of the key reasons why businesses like us offer remote monitoring and management services to organizations like yours.

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