Today’s business has to do more with less. This goes for all of its resources including the technology it uses. Runaway IT budgets can put a lot of pressure on the technology to do more than it can. To get the most out of your business’ technology investments, consider the following strategies.
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For any business continuity strategy to be complete, a data backup strategy needs to be involved. This is often easier said than done: there are a lot of elements that need to be considered, and some data can go overlooked if the solution isn’t maintained. However, considering the likelihood of data loss without one, a data backup is an indispensable component to prioritize and evaluate over time.
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Passwords are effectively the cornerstone of your business’ data security—if they aren’t up to muster, your protections could crumble. Unfortunately, many users shortchange their passwords to try to make them more convenient, also making them more convenient for cybercriminals. Let’s see how we could (and should) make passwords as effective as possible.
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During the COVID-19 pandemic there have been quite a few different types of scams. At first, most of the scams centered around economic relief money that was doled out to people to help prop up the fledgling economy. More recently however, scammers have focused on vaccines. Today, we will take a closer look at some of these scams, as they are growing in sophistication.
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When reviewing their inventory, many businesses forget to consider one of their most used, most important resources: their technology. Let’s go over a few reasons that your business’ technology inventory needs to be tracked—and what goes into properly doing so.
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While nobody wants their company to suffer a data breach, the nature of today’s workplace makes these occurrences harder and harder to avoid. In fact, chances are that you’ll eventually encounter one, which makes it important to prepare to deal with it when it comes about.
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When your business is in the position to add new technology, the process can be pretty confusing. You try to make good business decisions every time, but with technology, there are more variables that need to be weighed. Is the technology going to help the business? Is it the right technology for what I’m trying to achieve? What is the actual cost? Today, we will outline three strategies that can help you make better IT decisions.
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It is undeniable that technology has become ingrained into our workplaces, and perhaps even more so into our daily lives—particularly considering the events of the past few years. This is likely why it is so surprising when a large tech company bans a user for some activity on their platform.
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It wasn’t long ago that we took the time to discuss what format is best while you’re sharing images, whether via email or online. The idea was that images with the smallest file sizes were best, as they could be shared and downloaded more rapidly—without a tradeoff in terms of quality. Let’s discuss how this can be accomplished in Photoshop.
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Images are immensely useful tools to communicate, whether using them online or sharing them in an email. Having said that, understanding a few things about image files and their sizes will help you to use these images more effectively. We’ve put together this guide to make it easier for you to put images to their proper use.
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