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    The idea of digital transformation can be an exciting one, especially for a small business. Let’s go over how you can make the transformative power of technology work for your company’s benefit, as well as how you can go about implementing some of these innovative new solutions.

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    Global supply chain shortages have been affecting businesses of all types for the better part of two years. For businesses that deal in computing, this problem has seen a jump in the price of some computer components, an inability to get some, and overall an interruption in their ability to supply the insatiable demand for technology. Today, we’d thought we’d take a look at some of the variables that have led us to the situation we now face. 

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    We often use the term “redundant” to describe technology, and it’s easy to see this word and think about it in a negative way. However, in business technology, the exact opposite is true, and redundancy is widely seen as not just an important component of any successful IT strategy, but a critical one. What does redundancy mean to your business technology, and how can you make sure you implement it in the appropriate way?

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    Remote work for certain types of positions has really become quite popular, but for others, this is not necessarily true. For example, knowledge workers are seeing fewer new job postings. According to a report from Braintrust analyzing 150,000 new job postings, things are not all well and good for remote work.

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    When budgeting capital for your company’s technology, it isn’t always simple to know how much to allocate. In fact, a lot of times it can be a convoluted and troublesome experience. Our consultants spend quite a bit of time and effort working out workable budgets for our clients and today, we thought we would talk about how we come about our figures to comprehensively support a business’ technology.

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    Many companies have been using remote work for so long that there are growing concerns for how this will influence company culture moving forward. Let’s discuss how you can avoid having remote work directly impact your company culture so that your team can maintain a productive working relationship.

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    As your business grows and your list of achievements grows ever longer, you will eventually realize that your network cannot keep up with the strain you place on it every day. When your network experiences so much traffic that it buckles under the pressure, or slows to a crawl, we call that a network bottleneck, and it can be indicative of other problems on your infrastructure that must be addressed.

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    If your business could make money based on its process, you’d never need to worry about results. Unfortunately, things don’t work that way. You need to bring a product or service to market and sell it in order to make enough revenue to continue doing business. With the results-based nature of things, it becomes essential for the good of your company that you optimize your team’s ability to get things done. Today, we’ll talk a little bit about how collaboration gets better when your team is organized. 

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    Remote work has cemented itself in today’s business environment, but there are some issues regarding whether or not people can effectively work outside of the office. In particular, the idea of a workation has sprung up in that people are working while going on a vacation. This “workation” trend is one that must be examined.

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    One of the best investments you can make in your IT infrastructure is implementing a data backup and disaster recovery solution. Not only is it a crucial part of any business continuity plan, but it also helps to future-proof your business in the event of a potentially disastrous scenario. There are three big reasons why you should consider implementing data backup and disaster recovery, and if you fail to do so, you are putting your company at risk for no real reason.

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