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    Mobile malware might not have a lot of attention on it, but it can be a significant problem for organizations that rely on smartphones. This goes double for small businesses that typically don’t have the large teams and big budgets for their mobile strategies that include devices, data and phone plans, and security controls. Today, we’ll look at mobile malware and how an organization with a limited budget can keep it from impacting its business.

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    Businesses today need to worry about people outside their business trying to break into their network and steal their data. Unfortunately, that’s not the only direction that theft can come from. In this week’s blog, we’ll take a look at the types of technology theft you need to be aware of inside of your company and what you can do about it.

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    We all share a lot of data. There’s everything shared for professional purposes, of course, but there’s also all the casual things that we send back and forth—chats, requests to have people to pick up things on the way home, and (naturally) memes and pet pictures.

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    Businesses deal with all types of problems, and some of them are really serious. Some situations aren’t even problems…yet. When risk is all around you, how can you know when enough is just enough? In today’s blog, we will provide you with some answers to how to flip potential problems into opportunities using technology.

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    Technology plays a crucial role regardless of a company’s size or growth stage. Therefore, having an IT infrastructure that can adapt to changes in business scale is essential.

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    Data backup is the glue that holds businesses together during difficult times. Despite this, many employees are still unclear on how the whole system works and what data gets backed up. Today, we want to explore this topic and clarify what typically occurs during the data backup process.

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    With the summer months comes the promise of fun… why would you want to stress about your technology during that time? To help prevent this, we’ve put together some tricks to protect your devices… both from cybersecurity issues and from the weather.

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    We cover data backup and disaster recovery quite a bit, and you might be familiar with some of the terms and strategies we discuss. Today, we’re taking a deeper dive into the 3-2-1 rule and its crucial role in your business’ disaster recovery plan. Let's explore how the 3-2-1 rule can strengthen or weaken your data infrastructure.

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    One of the most stressful situations one can imagine these days is losing a smartphone—especially because it is likely connected to your banking apps, social media, images, and so much more. We’ll walk you through some tips you can implement to locate your lost or stolen device.

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    Certain businesses have taken a much closer interest in cybersecurity… those businesses being business insurance providers. Many will now only provide coverage if your business maintains certain cybersecurity standards. One key tool they want to see is multi-factor authentication, or MFA.

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