Net It On, LLC Blog


    Google Chrome is everywhere. It’s one of the most popular web browsers for a reason, but most people don’t take full advantage of everything it can do. That means you’re probably missing out on some cool features that could save you time and make your life a whole lot easier.

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    We all know that person with an ancient laptop, a stubborn printer, or that phone they refuse to part with. At some point, however, that beloved device stops being the sidekick you need it to be and starts feeling more like dead weight. If your tech is making life harder instead of easier, it might be time for an upgrade. Here’s how to know when to let go.

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    Business is all about disaster mitigation and damage control. You never know exactly when something bad is going to happen, but you have to be ready for it when it does. Today, we want to discuss a couple ways that smart technology can help you in specific situations where your business might otherwise falter.

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    Long story short: it depends.

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    IT should be making your business work smarter, not harder. That’s what we want to discuss today: how IT impacts your business priorities, such as productivity, cybersecurity, and accessibility. Are you making the best choices possible, or are the options you’re selecting hindering your company’s operations?

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    It’s always good to know what kind of technological assets your business has at any given time, but some business owners don’t keep a detailed inventory. If you don’t know what you have, how will you know what you need? Let’s discuss some of the ways you can manage your IT inventory or make your current practices more effective.

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    Last month, we wrote about how Windows is not the only operating system out there and that new users may be coming to the OS for the first time. We want to continue this discussion by sharing how to navigate the many features of Windows 11, including one of the more useful ones: the Start menu. You’ll find the other articles in this series by checking the “Learning Windows” tag here on our blog.

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    Technology is deeply embedded in nearly every aspect of modern life. As society has become increasingly tech-driven, businesses have found ways to set themselves apart by meeting the growing demand for innovation. While technological dominance has been a recurring theme throughout the information age, today’s leading tech companies wield more power and influence than ever before.

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    VIP program u Vavadi ima 6 razina i donosi cashback, bonuse i turnire

    Za iskusne igrače koji redovito posjećuju online kasina, VIP programi često igraju ključnu ulogu u odabiru platforme. Oni nude dodatne pogodnosti koje nadilaze osnovne bonuse i nagrađuju lojalnost. Vavada, poznata po bogatoj ponudi igara i fleksibilnim uvjetima plaćanja, nudi razrađen VIP program s čak šest razina. Svaka razina donosi sve veće privilegije – od povećanih limita za isplate do ekskluzivnih turnira i povrata novca (cashbacka).

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