Want to Strengthen Your Cybersecurity? Don’t Do These 6 Things

There are few things more important than network security for businesses, and all it takes is one or two mistakes to completely derail all of your efforts. Let’s take a look at network security faux pas, as well as how you can address these issues in an effective way. Here are some mistakes your business might be making in terms of network security and how they can be addressed.

Not Preparing For (or Denying Outright) Threats

No business is immune to the dangers of cyberthreats, and if your mindset is that you are too small to be targeted, think again. If you don’t prepare properly, you could find yourself in a position that is difficult to recover from. At the end of the day, businesses that can resist these types of attacks are going to be the most successful. You’ll have to generate a list of risk factors that you should be prepared to handle and implement solutions to keep them at bay. Thanks to threats like social engineering and automation used by hackers, you can never know how truly at risk you are, so you need to take steps now to protect yourself in any and all situations.

Neglecting Maintenance and Upgrades

If you do accept that you’ll be at the risk of cyberattacks, then you’re in a better spot than most companies. However, you’ll need to make sure that your business technology doesn’t fall into disrepair, either. If you don’t keep up with maintenance and upgrades, then it is inevitable that you’ll fall behind with your defenses as well.

Failing to Educate Employees on Security Processes

It might be tempting to trust your employees to make appropriate security decisions, but the fact remains that they won’t know everything they need to know unless you impart that knowledge to them. You need to prioritize educating your employees on appropriate security practices. If you make security training a keystone habit for your organization, you’ll see your security improve in spades.

Not Establishing a Cybersecurity Policy or Standards

If you don’t have a baseline level of expectations for your cybersecurity, then you’re shooting yourself in the foot. You should establish minimum standards and policies that you should stick to, like password security, multi-factor authentication, and otherwise.

Using the Default/Built-In Options

If you want to optimize security, then going with the cheapest option is not going to cut it, and relying on default security options is not going to help, either. You should invest your resources into solutions that work specifically with your business and its particular needs. You should prioritize trusted solutions above all else.

Shortchanging Your Business Data

You must consider the data when thinking about your infrastructure’s security. If you don’t keep up with a comprehensive backup solution, then you’re asking for trouble, especially if a disaster were to wipe out your infrastructure. Another important aspect to consider for data security is who has access to what data, as well as ensuring that each employee has access only to what they need. Furthermore, data should be protected while in transit and in storage, so encryption will be key in this endeavor.

Worst of All, Not Turning to the Experts for Help

It never hurts to ask for help, especially with topics like network security. If you don’t get the help from professionals, you might be overlooking important aspects of keeping your business safe. To learn more about security and to get professionals on your side, contact us at (732) 360-2999.

June 6, 2022
Net It On