The cloud might be a revolutionary new way to approach business, but some professionals are wary of letting their IT infrastructure fly sky high. This is understandable, since the cloud is still a developing industry. However, you shouldn’t let your fears of cloud computing get in the way of growth and optimization.

According to Thomas LaRock of NetworkComputing, there are generally three reasons why some business owners are concerned about the cloud:

  • They don’t understand it.
  • They feel they don’t have enough control over their data.
  • They fear the cloud might grow obsolete.

To help your business get over its fear of cloud computing, Net It On, LLC will explain why these three reasons are understandable, yet completely unwarranted, especially with the advent of managed cloud services from Net It On, LLC.

People Fear What They Don’t Understand
It’s not always easy to dive into the unknown, especially if it’s something brand new that you’ve never worked with before. Moving to the cloud might feel like a risk to the average business owner. However, isn’t just about everything in business about risk management? If you’re not willing to take a leap of faith and try something new for a change, you could be missing out on incredible opportunities associated with them.

If you’ve never considered a cloud solution, Net It On, LLC can work with your business to make sure that all of your pain points are addressed before committing to a solution. You’ll have nothing to fear. We can walk you through the process one step at a time.

Some Business Owners Need Control
Another reason some businesses might not switch to a cloud-based solution is because they feel they might lose control over their data. While this makes sense, there are plenty of different types of cloud solutions out there. In a public cloud, where the hosting and security is taken care of for you, this might be the case; but there are private cloud solutions that you can host in-house, too. Or, if neither of these sound optimal, you could look into a hybrid cloud solution, which combines the efficiency of a public cloud with the sense of security you know and love from the private cloud.

Net It On, LLC knows how to integrate plenty of different cloud solutions into your IT infrastructure. We’ll closely evaluate your needs and personal preferences to find the ideal cloud solution that suits both your business’s demands, and provides you with the sense that you have enough control over your corporate data.

What if the Cloud’s Popularity Fades with Time?
One of the biggest reasons businesses might not feel attracted to cloud computing is because they feel like it’s only a fad that won’t significantly help their business. They don’t want to invest in cloud computing if it won’t be worth their time or money. If something more useful comes along, or if cloud computing is simply no longer viable, they will need to spend more on another solution.

Relax. Cloud computing isn’t likely to go anywhere. It’s still an emerging technology that’s continuously being improved and expanded. Cloud computing is a result of virtualization, but instead of virtualizing your hardware, you’re simply storing your data securely in a data center, where you can access it through any of your devices. It’s difficult to imagine an increased access to corporate data as a bad thing.

Businesses shouldn’t fear the cloud. In fact, they should embrace it and take advantage of all of the opportunity it can bring. To resolve your fears of cloud computing, give Net It On, LLC a call at (732) 360-2999.

April 17, 2015