b2ap3_thumbnail_fire_disaster_400.jpgSeptember was Disaster Preparedness Month; a time to seriously consider where your business stands if a disaster were to strike. What would be considered a disaster? That depends on your situation, but if something were to happen to your business, are you prepared to continue operations quickly? What solutions have you implemented to protect business continuity if something unfortunate were to happen to your organization?

To properly prepare your business for a disaster, you will have to consider every part of your operations and what you need to sustain yourself through what will be a very lean time.

Business continuity is the act of putting together a comprehensive and implementable plan that will allow you to keep your organization’s operations going after sustaining a traumatic event. Disasters like earthquakes, fires, floods, and tornadoes/hurricanes are often cited as the most important events that could cause your business to lose its ability to continue functioning. There are other disasters, too. In fact, many business continuity professionals would consider any situation where you lose a significant amount of data, or access to that data for a substantial amount of time, a disaster.

Business continuity plans aren’t just a matter of having a backup location picked out in case you find your office underwater. If your organization depends on its technology, one of the most important aspects of a comprehensive continuity plan is to institute a backup solution to your crucial IT. If you couldn’t do business without a certain piece of data, or if a piece of data is at the core of your organization’s profitability, you’ll want to duplicate this information off site in order to preserve your ability to return to efficient operations after your normal workflow is decimated by an unexpected event.

One aspect of IT that many people don’t consider is the fact that the biggest disaster may be sitting in your server room the entire time. The most inconspicuous source of business-destroying terror could be your IT itself. Hardware failure is one of the biggest disasters your company could face. Having a dedicated and knowledgeable technician who knows what to look for can be as good as having the best insurance money can buy. At Net It On, LLC, the deductible is one small monthly payment. You’ll receive the proactive IT support you need to keep your hardware and your network running proficiently.

Along with our proactive IT offering, we make available all the solutions you need to keep your business’ crucial data safe. We can find the hardware solutions you need to ensure that you don’t lose any data. We also provide a proven backup system that takes a snapshot of your data at regular intervals to ensure that when you need to restore your data, it’s ready for you to utilize immediately.

Being prepared for a data loss disaster is one of the most important aspects of developing a business continuity plan that will protect your business and keep you going when times are the toughest. For more information about our Backup and Disaster Recovery solution, or our comprehensive managed services, call us at (732) 360-2999. Our solutions can be the difference your business needs to keep from losing everything.

September 30, 2015