Wireless Internet access is something that a lot of people take for granted, yet we all complain about shoddy Internet connections from time to time. Little do they know that some of the most common issues with their wireless connection could be ordinary appliances and other conflicting technologies. You might be surprised by what they are!

Outdated Router Hardware
The technology that produces the wireless network, like your wireless router, could have a lot to do with the quality of your wireless signal. This is usually the case with businesses that haven’t updated their wireless technology since it was first installed. Old routers have trouble keeping up with the increasing traffic commands of growing networks, and this places too much strain on your aging network. This is why it’s so important to make sure that your business’s wireless solutions are always meeting the preferred specifications. Otherwise, it can lead to downtime and loss of access to critical systems. Periodically updating your router hardware is a solid way to minimize this risk. Net It On, LLC can aid your business in finding a new router that will meet your specific needs.

Ordinary Household Electronics
What many people don’t realize is that common appliances can potentially interfere with the quality of your wireless connection. Even something as simple as the break room microwave, or the cordless phones connected to your landline, can cause trouble for your wireless network. As reported by PCWorld, “Most problems with cordless phones and microwaves involve products that use the 2.4GHz band.” This is because microwaves and WiFi connections use the same frequency, and the problems are most often associated with 802.11b and 802.11g routers, Bluetooth devices, and so on. Other appliances that can mess with your wireless signal include, but are not limited to: baby monitors, electric blankets, toaster ovens, and much more.

Nearby Wireless Networks
In much the same way that household appliances cause wireless issues, other wireless connections are broadcast through the 2.4 GHz frequency. Just like a highway, this frequency has too much traffic and can quickly grow congested, especially in high-population neighborhoods. This has negative effects on the performance and range of your wireless connections. By taking advantage of a router that can handle both 2.4GHz and 5GHz frequencies simultaneously, your business can free up room on its network by allowing your technology to run on two potential frequencies at once. This is ideal for a lot of networks thanks to many modern devices, like smartphones, wireless devices, gaming devices, and laptops, having the capability to function on both frequencies. Still, you should never purchase new hardware without first consulting technology professionals, like those at Net It On, LLC; especially when it concerns your business’s WiFi connection.

Walls and Other Physical Obstructions
Walls might be used to keep things out or section off your office, but they can block access to your wireless network if your router isn’t placed in the proper location. You want to place your router in a location that can broadcast WiFi to your entire office, plus any other locations that you want to be able to use it. Other obstacles that can get in the way are concrete and metal, so carefully consider the infrastructure of your office before committing to a router placement strategy.

Christmas Lights
We hate to seem like a Grinch, but ISPs and computer companies tend to get an increased number of calls around the holidays because Christmas lights can interfere with wireless signals. Blinking lights tend to cause the most issue, reducing the effectiveness of your WiFi by up to 25 percent. When decking your halls, keep in mind that being too festive could cause network issues.

If finding the right routers or hardware has you worried, don’t sweat it. Net It On, LLC has your back. For more information about our wireless networking service, give us a call at (732) 360-2999.

December 21, 2015