Servers are responsible for the distribution and storage of your business’s data infrastructure, as well as the deployment of important applications and data. However, if your organization is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of these server units, you’ll be tasked with having the knowledge of how to keep them in optimal shape. We’ll discuss some of the ways you can better take care of your server units, as well as the optimal solution: server hosting.

Server units produce quite a lot of heat, which can be problematic. If your server units overheat, substantial damage can be caused to them. This can potentially lead to data loss and hardware failure, both of which are expensive to deal with. To compensate for this generation of heat, you’ll want to ensure that your organization’s server units are exposed to some sort of air conditioning. It’s recommended that you store your servers in an environment that falls somewhere between 64.4F and 80.6F with proper air flow.

Server units also consume a considerable amount of electricity, so be sure to connect them to equipment that protects them from power surges. Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) can go a long way toward keeping your servers around for much longer. These devices can keep your servers from being overwhelmed by a power surge, and they can protect your devices from unexpected power downs in the event that its connection to electricity is cut off. Basically, the UPS sends a signal to the device and provides enough power for it to shut down naturally before any damage is done to the device’s components.

Regular Maintenance
You need to take care of your server units so that they will last for as long as possible. They are expensive pieces of hardware that need to be maintained. If you fail to do so, you might wind up prematurely paying for new hardware when you could have gotten more mileage out of your current infrastructure. Keep the machines free of dust, and be sure to keep an ear out for any strange noises, like metal scraping or otherwise. Furthermore, you should have a system set up so that you’ll notice if there is an issue that needs addressing.

Outsourced Server Hosting
Thankfully, all of these are solved by outsourcing your organization’s server hosting to a managed service provider. We’ll host your server so that you don’t have to take care of it. Furthermore, all the costs of operations associated with a physical server unit, like air conditioning and electricity, are lifted from your shoulders in favor of a predictable monthly rate. Since your server infrastructure is virtualized on our infrastructure, you’ll be able to maintain maximum uptime while receiving all of the critical maintenance. We’ll monitor your server for any inconsistencies that need to be addressed.

To learn more about server management and hosting, reach out to us at (732) 360-2999.

July 24, 2017