We’ve always been a proponent of preparing for the worst and hoping for the best where a business’ solutions are concerned. That’s why we were happy to receive an email from our friends at the North Pole telling us about a situation they ran into just a few days ago…

Dear Net It On, LLC,

I just wanted to send you a quick letter thanking you… Thing is, you probably saved Christmas this year! Recently, there was a bit of a mishap here in the workshop that would have put us WAY behind schedule.

You know how we like to deliver presents to all the good boys and girls, and the boss has always kept the kids separated into the good ones and the naughty ones? Well, we decided to finally take your advice and digitize the list – thanks for that tip, by the way! It’s a lot easier to carry around, and now Santa can access it on his Noelkia smartphone whenever he needs to.

Anyways, that was working great, until the workshop’s server failed. We even restarted it and checked it twice! Nothing was working – including the Naughty & Nice CRM software.

We found out that Merry Hollycane (our office administrator elf) had accidentally downloaded the Cryptowall ransomware to the network. At $1,000 per file, there was NO WAY that we could afford to pay the ransom.

That hacker is definitely on the naughty list.

So instead of making toys, we were busy freaking out and trying to figure out what to do without the list! I mean, we still had the letters, so we knew what kids were asking for, but we needed to know which kids were naughty and which were nice! Without it, how would we know which children were supposed to get a gift from Santa, and which were only supposed to get coal?

It was an administrative nightmare!

Fortunately, Nougat Trufflesnaps (our internal IT elf) came to the rescue. He remembered that we had also started using a cloud-based data backup solution upon your recommendation! All Nougat had to do was log in and there was the list – a real Christmas miracle.

We were able to build a replacement server and download the list back to it, and we only lost about 23 minutes of work in total. I know that this may seem like hardly any time at all to you, but remember – we’re making toys for a whole world full of children. An hour would have been catastrophic to our operations.

Thanks to your advice, we were able to get back to work. I’m happy to report that we’re back on track for a successful delivery.

So, again, thank you so much for all of your advice – you really saved our gumdrops there. I’m pretty sure that you and your team all earned yourselves permanent spots on the nice list!


Drummer Brandybells
Lead Elf, Christmas Cheer Division

We’re glad that our advice was so helpful to our friends up at the North Pole, and that we were able to play a part in saving Christmas. If you’d like to discuss the solutions we used in more detail with us, give us a call at (732) 360-2999.

In the meantime, from Net It On, LLC to you, have a very happy holidays and a wonderful new year!

December 24, 2018