When it comes to dealing with things around the office, most people have almost no problem calling in a subject-matter expert to handle the issue. Toilet won’t stop running? Bring in a plumber. Simple, right? Yet, it seems that there’s one notable exception: technology issues.

Basically, there seems to be an assumption that, if someone uses a particular piece of technology or software, they are inherently an expert. Therefore, they can be trusted for advice that would otherwise come from IT.

This kind of thinking is fundamentally flawed and can be downright dangerous under the right (really, the wrong) circumstances.


It primarily has to do with how crucial technology is to any business today. In order to sustain operations, a business needs its technology to work. Otherwise, it just isn’t going to be as efficient, productive, or ultimately, as successful as it would be with the proper tools available.

Let’s say that you hired someone to hang shelves around your office – the tools they bring to the job are going to matter. An electric screwdriver will get the job done much faster than a manual one will. 

Your business is the same, in that it could very likely make do without working technology, but only by sacrificing the productivity benefits that technology solutions would provide. Depending on how your business operates, you may even find yourself unable to live up to some of your responsibilities without the right tech at your disposal – like if the person hanging your shelves had brought a box of nails with them, instead of screws.

Obviously, if this were to ever happen with someone you had hired, you would find it unacceptable. Yet so many people don’t think twice about just Googling the answer to their IT issues and taking whatever they find as gospel, or again, seeking out advice from someone who may only be marginally more familiar with a given solution. As a result, they risk collecting misinformation, further hurting their productivity, risking their security and doing little to improve their circumstances.

At Net It On, LLC, we’ve heard a few horror stories.

This only makes it more important that you and your team have a trustworthy resource to turn to for your IT support needs. Net It On, LLC can be that resource for you. With an agreement with us, you can get down to business… confident that your solutions will be operational and optimized. If there is an issue, we’ll step in and resolve it.

In order to minimize your in-office distractions, we do as much as we can remotely. This includes providing support to your employees as needed, ensuring that they always have a trustworthy resource to turn to before they resort to Google.

Reach out to my team at (732) 360-2999 to learn more about what we have to offer your business and its technology.

July 5, 2021