You have goals for your business and most of them will require strategic investment to get off the ground. These projects can have a huge effect on your business. If they go right, your company stands to benefit, but if they go wrong, you are putting your business in jeopardy. It is important that you have a careful and capable project manager to help you implement your plans. Today, we’ll give you three variables that you have to look for when hiring a project manager.

1. Your Project Manager Needs to Have Good Communication Habits

Your project manager needs to have great communication skills. They should have an ability to get their directions across clearly and be able to know how to communicate with different types of people. Not everyone is always on the same page, but a strong project manager will know enough about the project and the players that communication will be a positive component to a successful project.

To make this happen, a solid PM should introduce everyone that’s working on the project to the collaboration and communication expectations of the particular project. Some projects are filled with small tasks undertaken by several different people. The more moving parts a project has, the more its coordination will be tied to effective communication.

2. They Also Need to Define Milestones, Objectives, and a Timeframe

A good project manager has to be able to excel in all four stages of a project. They need to be able to initiate it, plan it, execute it, and assess how the project went after it’s over. Each stage is broken down into objectives and milestones that are tied to the scheduling demands of the project. It is the project manager’s responsibility to stay organized and keep the project moving forward.

It is always better to get a very organized person running point on these kinds of things, as it helps eliminate the chance of wasting time and money. If you have Tasks 1, 2, and 3 that need to be completed, what good is having your whole team working on separate versions of task 2?

Since time is typically a major consideration for any project, it is important to create a clear understanding from the project team of what is expected when. Going further, the PM will have the ability to schedule team members for specific tasks based on their individual aptitudes and talents. By putting the right people in positions to succeed, even the most rushed project can get done on time.

3. Finally, They Need to Be Able to Use the Tools and Resources Available

Most projects have some type of project management software tied to the administration of the project and its resources. It may be a problem if your chosen PM isn’t knowledgeable using a certain tool or tools. That’s why it’s important to know exactly what the skill set of a project manager is before you deploy them in that role. Remember, poor project management will likely result in losing gobs of money. Not ideal for any business.

If you need a strong project manager to help you build the business you want, reach out to the IT professionals at Net It On, LLC. Our consultants can take the lead of any IT-related project without stepping on the feet of your current IT administrator. We can also handle support if you want your current IT admin to lead up an IT project. Find out what we can do for you by calling us today at (732) 360-2999.

November 27, 2019