When reviewing their inventory, many businesses forget to consider one of their most used, most important resources: their technology. Let’s go over a few reasons that your business’ technology inventory needs to be tracked—and what goes into properly doing so.

Here’s the crux of the matter: to properly maintain the technology at your disposal, there needs to be more involvement than just the occasional firewall update or virus scan. True IT maintenance takes a comprehensive look at what a business possesses and how it is used. This insight then needs to be recorded somewhere so that it can be used for future reference.

In addition to all this, there’s also the fact that infrastructure management is quite literally a many-headed beast. Therefore, the tools to keep track of everything you have and each components’ functionality are very important for your business’ productivity.

Throughout your operations, it will be helpful to augment your IT inventory management with recorded documentation. This could (and likely should) include:

  • All network-attached devices you have, from your networking devices to every company-owned endpoint and peripheral that attaches to it.
  • The proper configuration for each of these devices.
  • The date that each of these devices was installed.
  • The licenses that your business needs to maintain, and the status of the ones you have.
  • A comprehensive history of any service each of these devices has received.

Documentation of this sort enables your IT administrator (whether they are an in-house employee or a service provider like Net It On, LLC) to have a fuller appreciation for your business’ technology strategy. As a bonus, it can also be used to shape your IT investments moving forward.

Interested in learning more about these kinds of IT services? Give us a call today at (732) 360-2999 to find out what we can do for you.

February 19, 2021