April 2016 - Hackensack, NJ | Net It On


    Data storage has always been an important part of the business world, but it’s one of many areas where innovation has yielded overwhelming results. Technology that exists today could never have been created 50, or even 20 years ago.

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    One of the many ways that businesses improve productivity is by issuing employees multiple monitors for work purposes. Just like any benefit, though, there are some disadvantages to watch out for when using multiple monitors. Here are just a few of them.

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    The appeal of a do-it-yourself project is that you’re the one doing the work. With the Do It Yourself (DIY) approach, whatever it is you're working on, you know for sure that it’s getting the attention it deserves. This is why it can be rather unnerving to have someone who you don’t fully know or trust work on your stuff. This is especially the case when it comes to your company’s technology.

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    Let’s face it; the office is a pretty distracting place most of the time. You have people in meetings, discussions happening around every corner, the phone ringing every thirty seconds, and emails hitting your inbox left and right. With so much happening around you, how in the world are you supposed to get anything done?

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    Does your organization use Google Apps for Business? It’s likely you use Google Contacts to store contacts. It’s an ideal tool for business professionals who are constantly on the move, but the real value that it presents is its instantaneous access to work contacts through Android devices. For this week’s tip, we’ll walk you through how to import and export your Google Contacts to a different Google, Outlook, or Apple account.

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    Artificial intelligence is still a long way off, but this doesn’t stop people from trying to make major advancements in how AI thinks. Take, for example, a Japanese novella (a short novel) co-written by AI that almost won the Hoshi Shinichi Award literary prize. That’s the key word here, though: almost. It seems that AI still has quite a bit of progress to make before it can effectively replicate human creativity.

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    As time goes on, the password has proven time and again that it’s not going to be enough to keep hackers out of online accounts and other sensitive parts of your IT infrastructure. One of the most valuable responses to this development was two-factor authentication, which is part of a more complex overarching trend that involves much more than simple two-factor authentication.

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    Even though Google would prefer it if everyone switched over to Gmail as their primary email client, this simply isn’t going to happen. Many businesses are set in their ways, and would prefer to use Microsoft Outlook. Other users might still be in the days of Yahoo Mail for their personal email account. It’s to the users of other email clients that Gmailify is targeted.

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    When it comes to procuring technology for your business, you’re often presented with two choices: save money by going with technology that’s been around for a while, or spend a little more to get the latest and greatest on the market. It’s tempting to go with the cheaper option, but, in the long run, it generally pays to go with the latest solutions, thanks to an IT concept know as “future proofing.”

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    Robotics is a technology that’s influencing many different types of industries. Robots help surgeons with surgery, work in manufacturing environments, and so much more. Now, the application of robotics has given birth to one of the most important technological advances to the modern world: pizza-delivering robots.

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